Решение на Време е да помислите за проектите си! от Никола Михайлов

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Никола Михайлов


  • 7 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 7 точки общо
  • 0 успешни тест(а)
  • 0 неуспешни тест(а)


Basement Warfare
Basement Warfare is a shooter video game where two players battle against each other
until one of them triumphs as a Lord of the Basement. Each player has two weapons:
knife (melee with unlimited number of uses) and a gun (ranged with finite bullets).
The basement contains indestructible metal walls that cannot be passed and loot boxes
which can give random bonus for the player that collects the drop when the crate is destroyed.
The winner of the game is the player with more health points at the end of the timer
unless someone kills their opponent. In case of even health points the game goes to overtime
and the winner is decided by 'Golden shoot' - first player to hit the other wins.
("There is always a winner and a loser!")
The game has a start menu where the players can edit some of the settings of the game.
The players are using the keyboard to move, shoot and switch between the two weapons.
The program recognises if player or a loot box is hit:
*If player is shot they lose health points.
*If a crate is hit several amount of times, it can drop special bonus like
shield, instant health back, more bullets, movement speed or something else.
The player who goes through the bonus gets it and not the one who shot the box.
If player's health points go to 0 they are killed and the other contestant wins the game.
The players can set a timer to decide the winner if no one is killed.
The game has an option for overtime if the score is even.
[Milestones/Възлови точки]
Start menu
Game settings
Generating the basement
Generating the loot boxes
Creating the players
Setting the soldiers controllers
Shooting and hitting mechanic
Textures and animations of the game
Setting up the different bonuses
[Estimate in man-hours/Времеоценка в човекочасове]
69 hours ((not) a random number because I have no idea because I have never used Pygame
but will try to squeeze myself in that estimate time)
[Usage of technologies/Потребление на технологи]
Some kind of pixel art software

История (1 версия и 1 коментар)

Никола обнови решението на 20.12.2022 16:53 (преди около 2 години)

+Basement Warfare
+Basement Warfare is a shooter video game where two players battle against each other
+until one of them triumphs as a Lord of the Basement. Each player has two weapons:
+knife (melee with unlimited number of uses) and a gun (ranged with finite bullets).
+The basement contains indestructible metal walls that cannot be passed and loot boxes
+which can give random bonus for the player that collects the drop when the crate is destroyed.
+The winner of the game is the player with more health points at the end of the timer
+unless someone kills their opponent. In case of even health points the game goes to overtime
+and the winner is decided by 'Golden shoot' - first player to hit the other wins.
+("There is always a winner and a loser!")
+The game has a start menu where the players can edit some of the settings of the game.
+The players are using the keyboard to move, shoot and switch between the two weapons.
+The program recognises if player or a loot box is hit:
+ *If player is shot they lose health points.
+ *If a crate is hit several amount of times, it can drop special bonus like
+ shield, instant health back, more bullets, movement speed or something else.
+The player who goes through the bonus gets it and not the one who shot the box.
+If player's health points go to 0 they are killed and the other contestant wins the game.
+The players can set a timer to decide the winner if no one is killed.
+The game has an option for overtime if the score is even.
+[Milestones/Възлови точки]
+Start menu
+Game settings
+Generating the basement
+Generating the loot boxes
+Creating the players
+Setting the soldiers controllers
+Shooting and hitting mechanic
+Textures and animations of the game
+Setting up the different bonuses
+[Estimate in man-hours/Времеоценка в човекочасове]
+69 hours ((not) a random number because I have no idea because I have never used Pygame
+but will try to squeeze myself in that estimate time)
+[Usage of technologies/Потребление на технологи]
+Some kind of pixel art software

Идеята е супер за финален проект.

Пропуснал си само една важна стъпка в описанието си - networking частта. Поне презюмирам, че я има, иначе не мога да си представя как би се играл 1v1 shooter на hot-seat. :D
Препоръчвам и да не инвестираш безкрайно много време в началото в спрайтовете / pixel art-а, тъй като на тях ще се изкефим (много, ако са добри), но тъй като курсът е по Python - ще са прекалено малък процент от оценката, за да са ти сред първите неща, в които да инвестираш време.